Templates and Forms

Manuscript Template

Cover Page Template

 Book Review Template

 Author Correction Form


Dear author(s),

When submitting your manuscript for the first time, you must upload the following files to the JTDED system. Please do not hesitate to contact our editorial board during the submission process of your manuscript. jtdedjournal@gmail.com

1. The full text of your manuscript which is prepared according to the JTDED template. Do not fill out your name and institution information. (File Type= Full Text), (File Format: .doc or .docx)

2. Introductory information about the authors of the manuscript (File Type= Cover Page), (File Format: .doc or .docx) Cover Page Template

3. Plagiarism report not exceeding 25 % (File Type= Plagiarism Report), (File Format: .pdf)

4. Ethics Committee Approval (Except review studies). (File Type= Ethics Committee Approval) (File Format: .pdf)

Note: Manuscripts not prepared according to JTDED's manuscript template will be returned to the authors without editorial review. Authors can submit their manuscripts back to JTDED after adapting their manuscripts to the JTDED template.