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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The manuscript has been formatted in accordance with the JTDED template.
  • The authors are responsible to conduct a plagiarism check of their manuscripts using one of the major plagiarism software and uploading its report to JTDED System. Any manuscript having a plagiarism rate of over 25 % will be returned to its authors.
  • The authors are required to fill in and sign the copyrights transfer form. Then, scan it and upload it to the JTDED System.
  • The manuscripts to be submitted to JTDED should not exceed 10.000 words.

Author Guidelines

The reviewing process of the manuscripts sent to JTDED proceeds following these steps:

  1. The manuscript is reviewed by the Editor to see whether its aims, subject, content, and style of writing fit the requirements of JTDED (Maximum 10 days). The manuscript is approved by the Editor will be sent to Field Editor. Manuscripts did not approve by the Editor send back to their authors/owners for revision and resubmission.
  2. The examination/review of the Field Editor results in the decision of either sending the manuscript to reviewers or returning them to their authors/owners for revision (Maximum 10 days).
  3. The selection processes of reviewers are based on expertise and experience in the relevant field. The reviewers are given 25 days to review a manuscript sent to them. 
  4. If a reviewer thinks that she/he cannot complete the reviewing process within the given time, she/he can ask the Editor for extra time or let the Editor know that she/he is not being able to review the manuscript due to various reasons, such as the shortage of time. Doing these things help the Editor to assign new reviewers without losing too much time.
  5. If a reviewer cannot review the manuscript assigned to her/him within the given scope of time, she/he is sent a reminder e-mail with an additional 15 days for completing the reviewing process. If she/he does not return the reviewed manuscripts within the additional time, that manuscript may withdraw from her/him. After then, it is assigned to another reviewer.
  6. If there is a divergence of opinion between the two reviewers (one accepting the manuscript and the other rejecting it), the field editor examines the review reports and compares and contrasts the reviewers’ critics and viewpoints and their reasoning to arrive at a decision. 
  7. If the Field Editor does not decide after examining the reviewer reports, the manuscript is assigned to a third reviewer.
  8. The decision for a manuscript is supposed to be given within the first 80-100 days. Then the authors are informed about the decision. The accepted papers are to be published in the following issue of JTDED.


  • The principle of transparency is at the core of the correspondence among the authors, the Editor, and the Field Editor in JTDED. However, the principle of privacy of the authors’ identity has to be kept safe in correspondence between the Editor or the Field Editor and the reviewers. Besides, the identities of the reviewers are not included in the reports sent to the authors.
  • If a reviewer thinks that the manuscript assigned to her/him contains any problem related to research ethics or the data used in the study, or she/he believes that there is a conflict of interest between her/him and the author(s), she/he has to share these issues with the Editor before commencing the process of reviewing. 
  • To attain an integrated and coherent reviewing process, and to contribute to the author’s academic development, the Editor may ask the reviewers to read each other’s reports and then comment on the report she/he read. In the case of this situation, the names and identities of the reviewers have to be kept anonymous. 


Manuscript Template

Cover Page Template

Copyright Transfer Agreement

 Book Review Template

 Author Correction Form


Dear author(s),

When submitting your manuscript for the first time, you must upload the following files to the JTDED system. Please do not hesitate to contact our editorial board during the submission process of your manuscript.

 The full text of your manuscript which is prepared according to the JTDED template. Do not fill out your name and institution information. (File Type= Full Text), (File Format: .doc or .docx)

  1. Introductory information about the authors of the manuscript (File Type= Cover Page), (File Format: .doc or .docx) Cover Page Template
  2. Plagiarism report not exceeding 25 % (File Type= Plagiarism Report), (File Format: .pdf)
  3. Copyright Transfer Agreement scanned after signed by all authors. (File Type= Copyright Transfer Agreement) (File Format: .jpg or pdf)
  4. Ethics Committee Approval (Except review studies). (File Type= Ethics Committee Approval) (File Format: .pdf)

Note: Manuscripts not prepared according to JTDED's manuscript template will be returned to the authors without editorial review. Authors can submit their manuscripts back to JTDED after adapting their manuscripts to the JTDED template.

Some Examples of Citing and Referencing

Journal Article

Edwards, A. A., Steacy, L. M., Siegelman, N., Rigobon, V. M., Kearns, D. M., Rueckl, J. G., & Compton, D. L. (2022). Unpacking the unique relationship between set for variability and word reading development: Examining word- and child-level predictors of performance. Journal of Educational Psychology, 114(6), 1242–1256.

Authored Book

Kaufman, K. A., Glass, C. R., & Pineau, T. R. (2018). Mindful sport performance enhancement: Mental training for athletes and coaches. American Psychological Association.

Edited Book Chapter

Zeleke, W. A., Hughes, T. L., & Drozda, N. (2020). Home–school collaboration to promote mind–body health. In C. Maykel & M. A. Bray (Eds.), Promoting mind–body health in schools: Interventions for mental health professionals (pp. 11–26). American Psychological Association.

Conference Session

Davidson, R. J. (2019, August 8–11). Well-being is a skill [Conference session]. APA 2019 Convention, Chicago, IL, United States.

Dissertation From a Database

Horvath-Plyman, M. (2018). Social media and the college student journey: An examination of how social media use impacts social capital and affects college choice, access, and transition (Publication No. 10937367). [Doctoral dissertation, New York University]. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global.

Organizational Reports


First standard citation (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development [OECD], 2019), subsequent standard citation (OECD, 2019), in-text citation (if it appears for the first time) Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), (2019), subsequent in-text citation OECD (2012), citation for a paraphrasing or a direct quotation (if it appears for the first time) (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development [OECD], 2019, p.16), subsequent citation for a paraphrasing or a direct quotation (OECD, 2019, p. 16).

In reference list:

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) (2019). PISA 2018 assessment and analytical framework. Paris: OECD Publishing.


Chandler, N. (2020, April 9). What’s the difference between Sasquatch and Bigfoot? howstuffworks.

Webpage on a News Website

Machado, J., & Turner, K. (2020, March 7). The future of feminism. Vox.

Webpage With a Retrieval Date

Center for Systems Science and Engineering. (2020, May 6). COVID-19 dashboard by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University (JHU). Johns Hopkins University & Medicine, Coronavirus Resource Center. Retrieved May 6, 2020, from

Online Magazine Article

Thomson, J. (2022, September 8). Massive, strange white structures appear on Utah’s Great Salt Lake. Newsweek.

Print Magazine Article

Nicholl, K. (2020, May). A royal spark. Vanity Fair, 62(5), 56–65, 100.

Online Newspaper Article

Roberts, S. (2020, April 9). Early string ties us to Neanderthals. The New York Times.

Print Newspaper Article

Reynolds, G. (2019, April 9). Different strokes for athletic hearts. The New York Times, D4.

Online Dictionary Entry

American Psychological Association. (n.d.). Internet addiction. In APA dictionary of psychology. Retrieved April 24, 2022, from

Report by a Group Author

World Health Organization. (2014). Comprehensive implementation plan on maternal, infant and young child nutrition.

Report by Individual Authors

Winthrop, R., Ziegler, L., Handa, R., & Fakoya, F. (2019). How playful learning can help leapfrog progress in education. Center for Universal Education at Brookings.

Press Release

American Psychological Association. (2020, March 2). APA reaffirms psychologists’ role in combating climate change [Press release].

Preprint Article

Latimier, A., Peyre, H., & Ramus, F. (2020). A meta-analytic review of the benefit of spacing out retrieval practice episodes on retention. PsyArXiv.

Data Set

O’Donohue, W. (2017). Content analysis of undergraduate psychology textbooks (ICPSR 21600; Version V1) [Data set]. Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research.

Film or Video 

Docter, P., & Del Carmen, R. (Directors). (2015). Inside out [Film]. Walt Disney Pictures; Pixar Animation Studios.

TV Series Episode

Dippold, K. (Writer), & Trim, M. (Director). (2011, April 14). Fancy party (Season 3, Episode 9) [TV series episode]. In G. Daniels, H. Klein, D. Miner, & M. Schur (Executive Producers), Parks and recreation. Deedle-Dee Productions; Fremulon; 3 Arts Entertainment; Universal Media Studios.


Kamin, H. S., Lee, C. L., & McAdoo, T. L. (2020). Creating references using seventh edition APA Style [Webinar]. American Psychological Association.

YouTube Video

Above The Noise. (2017, October 18). Can procrastination be a good thing? [Video]. YouTube.

Song or Track

Nirvana. (1991). Smells like teen spirit [Song]. On Nevermind. DGC.

Radio Broadcast

Hersher, R. (2020, March 19). Spring starts today all over America, which is weird [Radio broadcast]. NPR. america-which-is-weird

Podcast Episode

Santos, L. (Host). (n.d.) Psychopaths and superheroes (No. 1) [Audio podcast episode]. In The happiness lab with Dr. Laurie Santos. Pushkin Industries.

PowerPoint From a Classroom Website

Mack, R., & Spake, G. (2018). Citing open source images and formatting references for presentations [PowerPoint slides]. Canvas@FNU.


Obama, B. [@BarackObama]. (2020, April 7). It’s World Health Day, and we owe a profound debt of gratitude to all our medical professionals. They’re still giving [Tweet]. Twitter.

Open Educational Resource

Fagan, J. (2019, March 25). Nursing clinical brain. OER Commons. Retrieved January 7, 2020, from

Blog Post

Rutledge, P. (2019, March 11). The upside of social media. The Media Psychology Blog.


Each appendix should be displayed on a separate page after the references section.

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