Emerging topics and research in educational administration and leadership





Leadership, Educational Administration, Emerging Topics


The objective of this study is to examine current trends and studies in the field of educational administration and leadership. The frequency and significance level of articles published in educational administration journals were systematically examined in pursuit of this goal. This study seeks to comprehensively evaluate the current state by examining the trends in Türkiye and the global landscape through a thematic analysis of scholarly articles from local and international publications, while also comparing and contrasting the observed trends. Out of the themes identified in these articles, leadership was the most extensively researched category. Foreign articles placed a greater emphasis on leadership compared to local ones. School improvement and development, management and school psychology, administrative structure, and process themes follow respectively. The analysis shows that foreign articles often focus on themes such as racism, equality, female managers, and gender differences, while these topics are less prevalent in local articles. Local articles focus on addressing organizational conflicts and maintaining unity within the organization.

Author Biography

Engin Aslanargun, Düzce University

Engin Aslanargun, born in Malatya in 1976, completed his undergraduate studies at Eskişehir Anadolu University, majoring in English Language and Education in 1999. He accomplished his master's degree in Educational Management and Supervision at Eskişehir Osmangazi University and his doctorate degree at Ankara University. Since 2010, he has been employed as a Professor Doctor in the Department of Educational Sciences at Düzce University Faculty of Education. In his role as a university instructor, he imparts knowledge to undergraduate and graduate students on various subjects, including the Turkish education system, school administration, teacher education, and professional development. Moreover, he contributes to the body of knowledge through publications at the national and the international level.


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How to Cite

Cozoğlu, T., & Aslanargun, E. (2024). Emerging topics and research in educational administration and leadership. Journal of Teacher Development and Education, 2(1), 19–33. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.12509324