Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.

Definition and Scope

This privacy statement is only valid for website (will be called JTDED website from now on). It will be assumed that you have already accepted this privacy policy statement while using the JTDED website.

JTDED website may contain links to other websites and this policy statement is not valid for those websites. You are supposed to read those websites' own privacy statements before using them.

Personal Information

JTDED website does not collect or record information related to people’s identities, such as their names, surnames, e-mail addresses, phone numbers, or postal addresses. However, visitors’ IP addresses, information related to their browsers, operating systems, the time they spent on the JTDED website, and the pages they visited might be recorded for the purposes of statistical assessment, website maintenance, website administration, and improvement. The collected/recorded data may not be used for another purpose and not to be shared with third parties, apart from legal obligations.

What is a Cookie?

A cookie is a kind of information kept in the form of small text files in your device (desktop, laptop, mobile and etc.) by a website you visited. They are to be used in the process of improving your experience on the given website.

Our Cookie Policy

JTDED website uses cookies for technical and analytical purposes only. Staying on the JTDED website will mean that you accept the use of those cookies defined below.

Cookies used in JTDED Website

Technical Cookies

They are the cookies that are required by the Website to operate: Session cookie and language option cookie.

Third-Party Cookies

Google Analytics: These are the cookies used for the purposes of the improvement of the Website and doing performance analysis. These cookies are managed by Google. 

These third-party applications have their own privacy policies. The JTDED website does not undertake any responsibility in relation to these third applications’ privacy policies. You may view the privacy policies of those applications on their official websites. For the privacy policy of Google related to its products and services please click on.

Managing the Cookies

Almost all websites have some settings related to the management of the cookies. Most browsers are set for accepting cookies at first. You can set your browser to block all cookies org give an alert when any cookie is sent to the website you visit. To learn how you may do these settings, you may see the official web site of your browser or check its help documents.

Changing Our Privacy Policy

We may change our privacy policy if we think that there is a necessity. The changes will be published here and the new policy will be valid from then on. For your questions and suggestions please send your e-mails to