Project on promoting the integration of Syrian children into the Turkish education system according to school administrators and teachers’ views
PIKTES Project, Integration, Immigrant Education Policies, Syrian ChildrenAbstract
The Project on Promoting the Integration of Syrian Children into the Turkish Education System (PIKTES) came into force with the agreement between the Ministry of National Education and The EU Delegation to Turkey in the context of the Financial Assistance Program for Refugees in Turkey (FRIT). This study aims to evaluate the PIKTES according to the views of school administrators and teachers. The research is a qualitative study. The study group is 10 school administrators and 10 teachers working in Kayseri in the 2022-2023 academic year. Research data were collected by interview technique. According to the findings obtained from the research, except for one of the participants, they received training and seminars within the scope of PIKTES Project. Most of the participants found the PIKTES Project positive, some of them found it incomplete and some of them found it negative. While some are insufficient. While the participants stated the negative situations, they encountered in the PIKTES Project as conflicts, groupings, inadequacy in Turkish language teaching, overcrowding, and extra workload, they stated positive situations as support for schools, financial support, teacher, and administrator training. When compared to the previous period, the participants stated the negative impact of the project as conflicts, while they stated positive gains as teacher and administrator training and financial support. Participants stated they would like to improve Turkish education, social and cultural activities, and preschool education as PIKTES Project.
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