Investigation of publications on stress in educational organizations
Educational Organization, Stress, Document AnalysisAbstract
Stress is one of the most important factors that negatively affects human life in educational organizations. It affects human life mentally and physically. Therefore, the concept of stress is one of the most important factors that should be emphasized in educational organizations. It has been determined that the number of studies on stress in educational organizations in Turkey is limited and studies on stress are not regularly conducted every year. This research aims to examine the publications on stress in educational organizations in Turkey. The qualitative research method was preferred in the study. A systematic review was used According to the research findings; the least number of studies related to the subject were made in 1998, 1999 and 2016, an increase was observed in the studies conducted in 2014, and the most studies were completed in 2018. It has been observed that the greatest number of articles related to the topic have been published, and the least publications have been in the form of papers, master thesis projects and book chapters. The most used model in the research was the relational survey model, and the least used designs were the multiple case-holistic design and case study design. Among the sampling methods used in the research, 17 are simple random sampling, 5 are convenient sampling, 4 are random cluster sampling, 6 are easily accessible sampling, 1 is maximum sampling, 1 is stratified sampling, and 39 are either sampling. It has been added to the unspecified category because it does not follow the path or clearly state it. The most widely used data analysis techniques in research are t-test and document analysis, observation forms analysis, Dunnet`s C Test, standardized beta coefficient, Levene test and descriptive analysis. These are the least used data analysis techniques because they are used once.
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