The investigation of the relationship between school principals’ self-efficiency perceptions and conflict management styles
Conflict Management, School Principal, Self-efficacyAbstract
This study examined the relationship between school principals' conflict management styles and their self-efficacy. 343 principals of primary, secondary, and high schools in Kütahya and Uşak provincial centers and districts participated in the study. The Principal Self-Efficacy Perception Scale and the Conflict Management Styles Scale were used as data collection instruments in the study, which was designed in a correlational survey model. The construct validity of the scales was tested using exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). As a result of the analysis, statistically significant relationships were found between instructional, administrative, and ethical dimensions of self-efficacy and integration (problem-solving), compromise, dominance, compliance, and avoidance dimensions of conflict management styles. In general, it was observed that as participants' general self-efficacy beliefs increased, they tended to move toward the problem-solving, compromise, and judgment dimensions. It was observed that principals with high self-efficacy were able to overcome the problem in the environment by using one of the conflict management styles. Therefore, a principal should not be afraid of conflict because conflict is inevitable. He/she should be able to manage the conflict process well and to do so, he/she should have high self-efficacy and use the right strategy according to the situation of the environment and people. As a result of properly managed conflict, productivity in the environment will increase and mobility will occur.
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