Comparative evaluation of 2018 and 2024 Turkish social studies curricula: A document review
social studies, 2018 and 2024 Turkish social studies curricula, Document AnalysisAbstract
Social studies has a long development process in the Turkish education system. The curriculum of this course has been revised from time to time with the developments in the world and Türkiye. This research evaluates the comparative evaluation of 2018 and 2024 Turkish social studies curricula. The research is a qualitative study based on document analysis. The research documents consist of 2018 and 2024 Turkish social studies curricula. The documents were deciphered using the content analysis technique. Unlike the 2018 Turkish social studies curriculum, the number of learning areas and outcomes were reduced in the 2024 social studies curriculum. In addition to the content, it was also determined that formal changes were made. As in the 2018 Turkish social studies curriculum, values and skills are important in the 2024 curriculum, but literacy skills are critical in the 2024 curriculum. The study results indicated that the 2024 social studies curriculum was relatively more spartan than the 2018 curriculum.
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