Comparing the use of Robert Marzano’s model of instructional strategies in the Pakistani context
Marzano’s Model, Establish Goals and Student ProgressAbstract
This study examined and compared Robert Marzano’s model of instructional strategies in public and private schools in Pakistan. Instructional strategies involve various activities teachers perform while teaching. The study used a causal-comparative research design and a questionnaire was developed by the researchers to measure teachers’ perceptions about their use of Marzano’s instructional strategies. The convenience sampling technique was used and 300 primary school teachers (150 from public and 150 from private schools) in district Okara were selected. The collected data were analyzed through SPSS. The study revealed that there were no significant differences between public and private school teachers and male and female schoolteachers’ perceptions of using Marzano’s model of instructional strategies. The study also revealed that there was a significant difference between the teachers having different academic qualifications, and MA/MSC/MPhil teachers were found better than BA/BSC teachers in using these instructional strategies. The study further showed that there was a significant difference between teachers having different professional qualifications, and MED/MA Education teachers were found better than B. ED teachers. A significant difference was found between teachers’ perceptions of having different years of experience with more experienced teachers showing higher scores as compared to less experienced teachers. Recommendations have also been given in the end.
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