What does peer coaching research in Türkiye say? A content analysis study
Coaching, Peer coaching, Professional development, Content analysis, Meta synthesisAbstract
This study aims to determine the trends of the research on peer coaching in Türkiye and to perform a meta-synthesis of the research results. Descriptive content analysis and meta-synthesis methods were used in the study. To collect data, a research review form on peer coaching prepared by the researcher was used. The research data were analyzed using the categorical analysis technique, one of the types of content analysis. To collect data, a research review form on peer coaching prepared by the researcher was used. The research data were analyzed using the categorical analysis technique, one of the types of content analysis. According to the findings of the research, the aims of determining the effects of coaching skills on teacher competencies, teaching, and student achievement, and determining the relationship between coaching skills and different variables were emphasized in the studies. The most used keywords in the studies were coaching, coach, peer coaching, leadership, teacher, professional development, and teacher education. According to the subject areas, research is mostly concentrated on coaching skills and coaching practices. It was determined that the research in which teachers at all levels participated, quantitative-based, quantitative data collection tools, and many data analysis methods were intensely used. According to the results of the research, it was determined that there are many research results that colleague coaching improves teachers' professional skills. Moreover, it was determined that teachers' coaching skills differed according to the variables addressed in the studies. In addition, it was concluded that coaching skills are related to many variables. In line with the results of the research, it is recommended to conduct experimental studies to determine the effect of coaching skills on student achievement at primary and secondary school level. In addition, considering the limited research on coaching roles and coaching competencies, it is recommended that new research be conducted on these issues.
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